Li'l Abner is busy sculpting a giant-granite statue of his two ideal role-models of bachelor-hood, Hairless Joe and Lonesome Polecat, who live in a cave and spend all of their time in brewing up large vats of moonshine Kickapoo Juice, and forever searching for just the right ingredients to give it the perfect kick, and roadkill is not overlooked. The always-delectable (except when drawn by the Columbia animators on this cartoon series) Miss Daisy Mae Scragg is heartbroken as she does not share Abner's admiration of the two bachelors--a strictly platonic relationship---who share a cave pad outside the Dogpatch city limits. Neither does Mammy Yokum and she sets out to help Hairless Joe and Lonesome Polecat in a search for a wife, although Hairless Joe and Lonesome Polecat are not aware they are in the matrimony market nor that a search is in progress.