Once upon a time, you couldn't turn on MTV without seeing Motley Crue videos in heavy rotation. For those still-loyal fans, this compilation brings back the good old days. From the band's 1982 debut, Too Fast for Love, to 2000's New Tattoo, these 21 videos hit on every phase of the Crue's career: they began as a Kiss wannabe, became huge arena-rockers, then stumbled through new singers and drummers before returning to the original lineup. No real fan will go wrong with this hit list, including much time-capsule material: "Girls Girls Girls," "Dr. Feelgood," and "Home Sweet Home" contain big hair, makeup, tight pants--and that's just the band! Bonuses include six "alternate" videos, including the "X-rated" version of "Girls," showing barely more than Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl; 50 minutes of bassist Nikki Sixx and drummer Tommy Lee discussing making the clips; and Easter eggs with more hidden videos.